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$10 off for referring friends!

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Hello everyone! 

We wanted a new way to share updates with you regarding schedule changes, new offers, new products, etc.  So we started a blog where we can post those updates in a way that is more easily accessible.  We may still send these updates out via email, but, since know how frustrating a cluttered inbox is, we always try to limit our emails to two per week. 

We're still setting this up so if there are any quirks that you come across feel free to let us know! 

For starters we wanted to share a new $10 off coupon with you which you can get by referring friends to us! 

We rely mainly on word of mouth for new members to sign up and so we greatly value it every time you mention us to one of your friends.  Because of this, we want to give you a $10 off coupon for referring friends to us!

When your friend places their first order just send us an email letting us know the name of your friend, and we will respond with a coupon code for you.  You can apply it to any order of $20 or more, and take $10 off of the order total. 

As always, thank you so much for your support!


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